Negotiating with an online mortgage broker? What all you should know
Mortgages have become everyone’s go-to option when it comes down to purchasing a piece of property really quickly. And it is not surprising that when you think about getting a mortgage for yourself, your mind probably reaches out first to the probable interest rates it may have. It is a fact that not everyone may be aware that it is actually possible to save thousands of dollars by comparing the interest rates between different lenders. But that’s not everything that goes into getting a really good deal on any mortgage, according to the best online mortgage broker.
The upfront fees that most of the lenders charge you normally to close on a loan can easily hit thousands of dollars on most of the cases. A few of these fees might be permanent and very hard to change, and mostly, such amount is very commonly found to be set by the local government. Everything else that comes along can be brought forward to the table of negotiations. You’d be surprised to find how much of a wiggle room loan officers have to themselves in order to close a good deal.
This article will help you to go over the most important fees which you should be paying attention to when you are bargaining for your mortgage deal.
Loan origination fee
This includes the cost to audit, administer, process, document, underwrite, and fund a mortgage. Technically, it should be somewhat about 1% of the loan amount

The Application fee
This is the cost to apply for the mortgage. It may also be inclusive of the total cost of pulling all your credit reports and other scores. This should cost you around $25-$150.
Point of Discount
According to the best of best mortgage companies in Tulsa, OK, it is a fee you pay to “buy down” to a mortgage interest rate that is much lower than the usual. Many people also like to call it prepaid interest. It is usually 1% of the loan amount.
Commitment fee
It entails the cost to guarantee a loan for a given future date for your mortgage. It can vary on the basis of different companies and situations.
Rate lock fee
It includes the cost to lock and set a specific rate of the mortgage. There may or may not be a chargeable amount for the initial rate lock fee, but if, in case your rate lock expires before the loan you have chosen closes, there is likely to be an additional fee to extend the lock which usually goes up to 0.5% of the loan amount.
Inspection Fee for Pests
As the online mortgage lenders say, it is the cost associated with the property of mortgage for having it inspected for any termites or other infestations and should set you back by another $75 to $500.
Survey fee
This is a cost that you can negotiate over which is mainly for surveying the land or the area on which the property sits and to identify its boundaries. This is usually settled for anything between $85-$600.
Title services
These are the fees that are related to transferring the ownership of the property or the real estate, which is including of title search and title insurance for both the lender and the homeowner, which is along with a settlement agent fee. In most of the cases, this is dependent on a plenty of factors.
The Gist
Hence, now you know that there are just so many costs that you can actually save some money on. But just in case, if you want to talk to an online mortgage broker about all your doubts, we will be more than happy to help you. Please feel free to contact us at
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